For the first time since the Pubg Mobile released, people can’t wait for the next update and new season. We know that Erangel 2.0 has finally been added to the Pubg Mobile 1.0.0 beta, and also season 15 expected to have some amazing costumes, skins, and rewards. Hence, every Pubg Mobile gamers is eagerly waiting for the next season and update.
To add more joy to every Pubg Mobile players, we have come with some exclusive season 15 royale pass rewards along with some upcoming crates to blow your mind. If you a great fan of Pubg Mobile and want to take a look at upcoming Pubg Mobile season 15 rewards then here we are to show you every image of the great costumes, skins, and more rewards.
PUBG Mobile Season 15 Royale Pass reward leaks
#1 Rose Moon Dacia Skin
#2 M762 Beryl skin
#3 Kar98k Skin
PUBG Mobile Season 15 Crates & Costumes
#1: Bronze Armor
#2: Shark’s Bite- DP28
#3: Bloody Tide Helmet
#4: Blue Phantom Suit
#5: Scarlet Horror – SCAR-L
#6: “Follow Me” Graffiti
#7: New Dancing Emote
#8: Master of the Sea Set
#9: Enforcer Headband
#10: Psycho Jester Boots
#11: Pochinkenstein Headpiece
#12: Enchanter Set
#13: Grining Executioner Hat (Gold)
As for now we have all these leaks of Pubg Mobile season 15 royale pass rewards. Hope you enjoyed the article. If you liked the article, please do share with your other Pubg Mobile friends. Stay tuned for more news and updates about Pubg world.