One of the finest free to play TERA games has just announced that that they are going to start the new PUBG event for 30 day next month by collaborating with the most popular battle royale game Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds. So, there will more new costumes and new avatar you can will be enjoy in the next PUBG and TERA event.
According to the latest announcement from the MMO TERA team, the new PUBG & TERA event will run for a month. The event start from March 5 to April 5 and you will be able to play PUBG themed battles and get PUBG costumes items and more interesting reward by playing TERA and PUBG. The great thing about the event is it will run for all platforms PS4, Xbox One, PC and mobile.
What’s more about PUBG TERA Event?
Well if you reached on level 60 on TERA then you will be to participate in the event. During the event time for two hours, level 70 PUBG Tuwangis guardians and soldiers will spawn throughout Northern Arun while supply crates parachute drop in from the sky. Smash the crates or beat down the Tuwangis for event rewards of crates, keys, event consumables, and Battle Points, which players can trade in for exclusive PUBG helmets. There has been new PUBG themed Highwatch filled with a fleet of planes and trucks. You can log in for at least once hours every day during event and you can earn daily rewards. And get more impressive rewards by fighting against bossed and finishing dungeons.
Well you can also use those earned TERA’s battle points to buy in-game PUBG shop for two premium permanent helmets and lots of event consumables. That would be interesting.
As PUBG and TERA both have same parent company, the En Masse has a special affection for PUBG. And they also helped with Alpha testing; PAX support, and housed Brendon, Shimmer and Sammie in our offices for several months. So, it will be fun when you see both games in one. So, let’s get ready for the new TERA PUBG Event.