At the event “New Era” event on August 24, the makers of the world’s most popular game Pubg Mobile, announced starting the new era with the Pubg Mobile 1.0 update. Alongside this, they also revealed they would combine PUBG Mobile World League (PMWL) and World Championship into the PUBG Mobile Global Championship.
Finally, they made the official announcement for the next huge Pubg Mobile 1.0 update, which will change the entire era of the game as they are adding more new stuff and making major changes in the game. Well, the Pubg Mobile 1.0.1 beta version is now available for testing, but if you haven’t tested it yet, here we have everything to share about Pubg Mobile 1.0 update from the official event.
Pubg Mobile 1.0 New Features
From the year, people have been waiting for the Erangel 2.0 map. And the month ago, with the Pubg Mobile 1.0 beta version, they finally added the Erangel 2.0 map to the mobile version and coming to the final version of Pubg Mobile 1.0 stable version. Well, they haven’t announced it officially, but they said that there would be a surprise on September 8 when they release the Pubg Mobile 1.0 update.
Earlier, there was only one lobby where everything was looking messy and confusing. But now, the new lobby is coming to the Pubg Mobile 1.0 update with three different window lobbies, which you can use to swipe left and right. So these new lobbies are called Social, Game, and Store.
- New Tech Graphics Overhaul
Pubg mobile team has also worked hard to provide the more realistic Battle Royale combat experience for players. So the new Pubg Mobile 1.0 version will have the most realistic battle royale atmosphere as the team has done the great job by making improvements in particles, smokes, air blasts, muzzle flashes, including the addition of the scope interaction to make every shot more realistic. Also, when jumping from the plan and land by the parachute, Parachuting and other actions have also been polished. They upgraded lighting systems; make the trees, sky, and water effects look more real compare to the previous version.
- New UX – User Experience Updated
Also, the major changes made by Pubg Mobile in the latest version 1.0 are the most advanced UI and interactive experience.
It also gives and more immersive gaming experience to all Pubg Mobile players. The update will also bring a 30% increase in frame rate and a 76% decrease in lag, depending on which hardware you’re using. The game also supports 90FPS gameplay for OnePlus devices and will also bring support to other high-end devices from September 8.
Along with these Pubg Mobile 1.0 changes, they also announced the next epic PUBG Mobile Global Championship with the prize pool of $2 million. This event will occur in regions, including SEA, South Asia, Europe, the Americas, Middle East, and China. It will start in November. So you will have to stay tuned with us and every Pubg Mobile official platform to see every update about the PUBG Mobile Global Championship.